Keep Calm and….well, don’t carry on in the way that you used to. Unless you are a key worker in which case the biggest thank you for carrying on.
It can be difficult to keep calm when life now bears no resemblance to how it looked a matter of days ago. Understandably people are anxious and concerned, not only about the spread of the Coronavirus, but in terms of finances and livelihood and what the future may hold. It is heartening though to hear stories of kindness and support, and the way people are managing to connect without coming into physical contact.
As the solutions we often use for keeping calm like a hug from a friend or a chat across a café table is not an option, here are a few suggestions for Bach remedies that may be helpful. They are available online.
As the solutions we often use for keeping calm like a hug from a friend or a chat across a café table is not an option, here are a few suggestions for Bach remedies that may be helpful. They are available online.

Dr Edward Bach was a highly regarded medical doctor. He developed a vaccination that saved thousands of lives during the influenza epidemic of 1918, but in 1930 he left his formal medical practice. He spent his time wading through bogs and marshes, climbed mountains, walked through fields and along countryside lanes in search of specific plants which he knew could support and calm the mind. His view was that supporting emotional and mental health was critical to the recovery of a patient’s health and he developed his set of 38 remedies to do just that.

Of course the remedies would in no way replace anything we’re currently being advised to do in terms of tackling the spread and in treating symptoms of the coronavirus but they are safe and easy to use as a complementary therapy.
Of course the remedies would in no way replace anything we’re currently being advised to do in terms of tackling the spread and in treating symptoms of the coronavirus but they are safe and easy to use as a complementary therapy.
Probably the first relevant and best known of the remedies is the ‘Rescue’ or ‘Five Flower’ remedy (because it combines five remedies in one bottle). This is for states such as shock and panic. It never replaces medical attention, but can help with the mental anguish that accompanies these situations.
The rescue combination is for short-term use, but there may be other remedies that are relevant for longer support:
Mimulus is for a known fear – so you are aware of why you are fearful. Examples would be being frightened of the dark or of spiders. It could be useful if your fear is over finances, or what may happen to your job, fear of contracting the virus, or fear of what the future holds.
Rock Rose is for a stronger feeling of fear like panic or feeling frightened. It is one member of the five flower or rescue combination. The feelings may not be rational but they feel very real to the person experiencing them.
Walnut is the remedy for adapting to change. We are all being asked to make huge changes to our routine and this can be extremely stressful. Walnut can help with the adjustment to a new set of circumstances.
Crab Apple is the remedy of cleansing, so this might be useful when concerned about the possibility of being infected – such as the anxiety over touching surfaces and trying to make sure everything is clean. Of course we must do all we can to limit our exposure and follow the advice we have been given but this remedy can help alleviate the mental and emotional stress that can accompany that.
The rescue combination is for short-term use, but there may be other remedies that are relevant for longer support:
Mimulus is for a known fear – so you are aware of why you are fearful. Examples would be being frightened of the dark or of spiders. It could be useful if your fear is over finances, or what may happen to your job, fear of contracting the virus, or fear of what the future holds.
Rock Rose is for a stronger feeling of fear like panic or feeling frightened. It is one member of the five flower or rescue combination. The feelings may not be rational but they feel very real to the person experiencing them.
Walnut is the remedy for adapting to change. We are all being asked to make huge changes to our routine and this can be extremely stressful. Walnut can help with the adjustment to a new set of circumstances.
Crab Apple is the remedy of cleansing, so this might be useful when concerned about the possibility of being infected – such as the anxiety over touching surfaces and trying to make sure everything is clean. Of course we must do all we can to limit our exposure and follow the advice we have been given but this remedy can help alleviate the mental and emotional stress that can accompany that.
The remedies are preserved in alcohol and come in a small bottle. Taking them is as easy as adding 2 drops (4 of the ‘rescue’ combination) to a glass of water and sipping whenever you feel the need. Alternatively get a 30ml dropper bottle, put a little brandy in the bottom, top it up with bottled water and then add your 2 drops to that bottle. You then use the larger 30ml bottle contents whenever you need – but at least 4 drops, 4 times a day.
The remedies can be combined – up to six can be taken at any time and they do not interact with medication, but it’s always a good idea to discuss taking them with your medical practitioner or therapist if you are at all concerned.
Even though we are isolated we need not feel alone. Do reach out if you need support. We complementary therapists are an adaptable and compassionate bunch and will help if we can!
Signing off with a virtual hug…..
The remedies can be combined – up to six can be taken at any time and they do not interact with medication, but it’s always a good idea to discuss taking them with your medical practitioner or therapist if you are at all concerned.
Even though we are isolated we need not feel alone. Do reach out if you need support. We complementary therapists are an adaptable and compassionate bunch and will help if we can!
Signing off with a virtual hug…..